To purchase or renew Privacy protection, follow the steps below: Go to the domain menu, Find your domain name and click it Find the Privacy Protection in Domain Information box, and click ‘Buy Privacy’ You will find the Privacy Protection Setting, and click ‘Buy Now’ Execute your order Your order successfully […]
How to Setup Catch-All or Wildcard Email Address?
Go to the domain menu Find your domain name and click it Find ‘Email Forwarding’ box and click it Find ‘Manage Catch-All’ box in the bottom position Choose one of your option and click ‘Apply’
How do I add SPF/DKIM or TXT records for my domain?
Go to the domain menu Find your domain name and click it Find Manage DNS box and click it Click TXT and Set your TXT Record Click ‘Create’
How to Create Demo Reseller Account?
To understand and evaluate the interfaces and API we provide, you can use the Demo interface. To create a fresh Demo Reseller account: Visit Fill up the form, and follow the steps (make sure you provide an accurate email address). Login to your Demo Reseller Account Once you have logged […]
What is DNSSEC?
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database, arranged hierarchically, containing records for domain names. This system is for matching a domain name to an IP Address. When you are typing a domain name in a browser, the DNS will translate the domain name to an IP Address. Vulnerabilities were discovered […]
How to Restore a Deleted Domain From Redemption Grace Period?
Go to the domain menu Search your domain name Click ‘Restore Domain Now’
Why is the redemption fee so high?
It cannot be agreed if redemption is so high. This is set by the upstream Registrar and Domain Registry. To avoid the redemption fee, we highly recommend you to take all precautions. Pay attention to the expiration for avoiding the redemption.
Are there any specific requirements for registering an .US domain?
Yes. The registrant must be United States citizens, residents, organizations, or foreign entities with a presence in United States.
What is My Domain Secret or Authorization Code or EPP Code?
Most TLDs (Domain Name Extension) have a Domain Secret or or Authorization Code or EPP Code (Known as Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) for .NZ domain name) associated with them. This serves a unique password and is required to authenticate domain name transfer.
Why I Can Not Transfer My Domain Name?
There are several cases where a domain name cannot be transferred. These can happen in the following circumstances: Your domain name is less than 60 days old. The registry will reject your domain transfer request automatically. Your previous domain transfer request is less than 60 days. If you have transferred […]