What is Whois Data Verification?

Whois Data Verification is introduced by Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Number (ICANN). Every registrar is required to verify the registrants’ email address for each gTDL domain name within 15 days of:

  1. A domain name is registered with unverified Registrant contact email address
  2. A domain name is transferred to another registrar
  3. A registrant contact is replaced by a contact with unverified email address
  4. Registrant’s email address is modified by unverified email address
  5. An unverified email address is associated with a domain name, after the domain name is moved to another account.

An email will be sent to the Registrant Contact for verification. The registrant should complete the verification process within 15 days. If the registrant does not complete this process, the domain name will be deactivated.

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